Tham khảo Nhà_hát_Opera_Wrocław

  1. The Opera Theater of Count Franz Anton von Sporck in Prague, p. 44, Daniel E. Freeman (1992). "The final outcome was the establishment of an opera company in Breslau, with Peruzzi as impresario, and the defection of a number of members of Denzio's company to Peruzzi's company."
  2. Erika Fischer-Lichte History of European Drama and Theatre, p. 150, 2002. "After Schuch was brutally rejected by the city council in the merchant city, Frankfurt, because of bitter controversy between religious leaders, he succeeded in gaining citizen's rights in Breslau in 1754. He built a theatre there on his own land, and performed regularly from 1755 to 1764."
  3. North German Opera in the Age of Goethe, p. 83, Thomas Bauman (1985). "Breslau in Silesia offered German companies an attractive alternative to Leipzig or Berlin. Like them, it could support a company from autumn... the charming name Theater on the Cold Ashes. Schuch brought the first Hiller operas to Breslau in 1770, and his successor Johann Christian Waser introduced many more. In addition, Breslau saw the premieres of three new operas of its own in 1771 and 1772."
  4. Pianoforte Music Its History, with Biographical Sketches, p. 105, John Comfort Fillmore (2005). "Before he was quite eighteen years old, he was called, on the recommendation of the Abbe Vogler, to be conductor of the opera in Breslau. He showed marked talent in his new position of responsibility, and gained invaluable experience."
  5. The Opera and its Future in America, p. 149, Herbert Graf (1941). "Weber had worked hard for the organization of German opera in Breslau, Prague, and Dresden. He was not only conductor, but stage director as well, supervising the unity of the whole performance,..."
  6. Jonathan Huener, Francis R. Nicosia "The arts in Nazi Germany: continuity, conformity, change", p. 102, 2006. "Alfred Einstein, 'Opera in Breslau: Schönberg's Die glückliche Hand [The Favored Hand], Handel's Joshua, and Ballet", Berliner Tageblatt, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 1928, trans. in Alfred Einstein on Music: Selected Music Criticisms"